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Learn the seven secrets to successfully achieving your desired outcomes using NLP and Hypnotherapy. Phone Abby Eagle on 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype consultation. Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP coaching session - Skype sessions - or speak to me face-to-face on the Gold Coast, Robina.


How to Set a Goal and Commit Using NLP

By Abby Eagle (2019)

How to set a goal and commit?

Click the Image to Watch on YouTube

In this NLP article I am going to show you how to set a goal and commit to it. Setting a goal is pretty easy but it is the commitment where people get stuck – they fail to follow through for one reason or another. So let’s take a quick look at the seven secrets to success that I have covered in a previous article.

Seven Secrets To Success

1. Present State to Desired Outcome Model.
Before you can set a goal you need to get oriented in space and time. Where are you now? Where did you come from? Once you have those two coordinates you can then focus on your destination. This is your desired outcome – your future self – the new you. Five years from now; twelve months from now; four weeks from now – what will your life look like, sound like and feel like?

2. Personality Type.
So once you have a rough idea of your future self you take a look at your personality type. I use Roger Hamilton’s Wealth Dynamic Profile – which is based on the Myers Briggs and fits in well with NLP Meta Programs. Your personality type is your genius – which means you need to choose an occupation which suits your personality type.

3. Passion / Interest.
Which brings us to passion and interest. If you follow your passion then you should find yourself in an environment in which there is the potential to flourish. Once you are in that environment then you need to fit yourself into a role which interests you and suits your personality type.

4. Purpose.
So then you come back to your NLP future selfing exercise and you rework your desired outcomes. And then you start asking why? Why do you want that outcome? Why else do you want that outcome? Once you get that then what will you get to have and to experience. What will that mean to you? This clarifies your motivation. What you are looking for are those key driver values that get you out of bed in the morning and propel you though the day.

5. Flow stages.
Now flow is defined as an optimal state of consciousness in which you perform at your best. Steven Kotler tells us there are four stages to flow. 1.Struggle. 2. Relax and let go. 3. Flow. 4. Learning and consolidation.

Everything starts with struggle. You set a stretch goal for yourself and you set an intention to take action. You push, you push and at some point you feel like giving up – so you take a break. Go for a walk, have a shower, tidy your office, play a musical instrument, ride your skate board, make a phone call – anything which distracts from the activity. What happens is that your brain waves shift from beta down to alpha – and then with a bit of luck you get bursts of theta and you get that ah ha and you find yourself in flow.

6. Intention – Attention – Task – Focus – Concentrate.
So to recap. You do your goal setting – that is you do a NLP future selfing exercise. You learn everything you can about your personality type. And part of that is connecting with the right people. I can’t emphasise that enough – do what you are good at – and then team up with the right people to take care of everything else.

So you put yourself in an environment in which you flourish. You engage in activities which interest you. You clarify your values – which means you understand what it is that motivates you. And most importantly you learn how you get into flow – you have got to understand that process. And you have to recognise what knocks you out of flow – and what you need to do to get back into flow.

So once you are clear on the task that faces you -  then you set an intention which drives your attention onto the task at hand such that you can focus in and concentrate.

7. Questions / Statements / Commands.
Now there is another very important element to all of this and that is how you think and talk. If you listen to yourself you will find that you ask questions, make statements and give commands. It is the quality of your thought processes that will determine the quality of your outcomes. So what questions do you need to ask? What statements do you need to make – and what commands do you need to give to yourself?

NLP Goal Setting

Okay so now that we have had a brief look at the seven steps to success – let’s get down to the nitty gritty and do some serious goal setting. Make sure you pause the video and answer the questions as we go along. You might need to watch this video a number of times until you understand the processes.

Well Formed Outcome Questions
- What is the desired outcome stated in the positive?
- What do you want? What would that look like, sound like and feel like?

- When do you want it?
- Where do you want it?
- With whom do you want it?

- Why do you want the desired outcome?

Processes / How
- Do you know what to do?
- Is it self initiated and maintained?
- Can you do it?
- Have you done this before?
- Do you know the steps and stages?
- Do you have an action plan?
- Do you have a way to monitor your progress?
- Do you have a way to deal with interferences?
- Do you have the resources? Internal & external.

- Ecology? Are you in alignment within yourself?
- Why do you want it? Is it compelling?
- Have you made a decision?
- What will be the evidence, the convincer that lets you know that you have achieved the outcome?

- What are immediate tasks you need to take action on?
- What are you learning?

Now we get to the commitment

- compelling futures.
- are you willing to do absolutely anything to achieve the outcome?
- are you willing to knuckle down and do the hard yards?
- do you have what it takes to handle set backs?
- do you have a strategy for dealing with set backs?
- do you have a method for acknowledging your efforts, encouraging yourself and holding yourself accountable?

So on reviewing your NLP future selfing exercise and your goals – are you willing to commit 100% to taking the action and working hard at it every day to achieve your desired outcomes? If not then this is where I can help. Just send me an email from my website and set up a time for a Skype session. If you want 100% commitment then I can help you to set your goals - deal with your fears - and access and mobilise your inner resources such that you get to achieve your most cherished desired outcome.

So when you are ready for your NLP Coaching then contact me – Abby Eagle - using the contact form - top right of this page.

References: see the bibliography.
Special acknowledgement to Michael Hall for the WFO questions.


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