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How much money do you waste on cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, gambling and junk food? Phone Abby Eagle on 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype consultation. Get NLP coached by Abby Eagle to transform your life and manifest the best version of yourself. -- NLP and Hypnotherapy, Gold Coast Qld. Neuro Linguistic Programming sessions - online coaching available on Skype.


How Much Money Do You Waste and how to make more money with NLP Coaching?

By Abby Eagle (2018)

How much money do you waste?

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Do you have enough money? What do you do with your money? Do you spend it wisely? Do you invest it so that you can make more or do you waste your money on alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, gambling and junk food? Let’s be blunt. How much money do you waste? For some people it does not matter how much money they have they will always overspend and be in debt.

So let’s take a look at how much money you waste.

Let’s start with breakfast. Do you eat breakfast at home or do you buy it on the way to work? Let’s say it costs you $10.00. If you made breakfast at home, it would probably save you $5.00 – and it would probably improve your health too – so $5.00, five days a week equals $25.00. That is $100.00 a month. If you work 48 weeks a year then we get $1,200.00 a year. If you made breakfast at home you would be $1,200.00 a year better off.

Lunch. Do you buy lunch? Let’s say lunch costs you $10.00. If you took your own lunch to work you could probably eat healthier and save yourself $5.00 a meal. So once again we get a possible saving of $100.00 a month and $1,200.00 a year.

Coffee, Cool Drinks and Bottled Water.
So what do you drink? Let’s say you spend $4.00 on a cup of coffee. $3.00 on a coke, and $2.50 on a bottle of water every day. That is $9.50. Let’s call it $10.00 a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – that works out to $3,650.00 a year.  Let’s say you kept the cup of coffee and brought water from home instead of buying sugary soft drinks and bottled water. This would save you about $160.00 a month and $2,000.00 every year.

Let’s say you buy a couple of chocolate bars every day. At $2.25 each that is about $4.50 a day. $135.00 a month. $1650.00 a year.

And for the cigarette smokers. At $25.00 a pack. That is about $180.00 a week. $750.00 a month. $9,000.00 over the year. If you have smoked for ten years then you have burned $90,000.00. If you continue to smoke for another ten years you will waste another $90.000.00. Hospital bills could cost you the same. But if you paid me $1,000.00 to help you stop smoking then you could buy yourself an investment property.

And for the drug users. Let’s say marijuana costs you $200.00 a week. That is $800.00 a month.  About $10,000.00 a year. Once again if you paid me $1,000.00 to help you get of the pot then you could pay off that investment property.

And for those who drink excessively. How much money do you waste on alcohol? If you cut back on the bad habit and just drank at social occasions – how much money could you save? $100.00 a week? $200.00 a week? $10,000.00 a year?

And for those of you who bet on the horses, play the pokies and buy scratchies and lotto tickets. How much money do you waste? If you think that you make a profit then I challenge you to keep a record of every bet that you make. Tally it up over the year and just see how much you actually do win or lose. If you want help to stop gambling then send me an email.

So in this article we have looked at how some people waste money on breakfast, lunch, coffee, cool drinks and water, chocolate bars, cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol and gambling. So my challenge to you is that you keep an itemised record for the next 30 days of how you spend your money. Keep a spreadsheet in Excel or a Word document.

Then look at those figures and ask yourself, “Is this a good way to spend my hard earned money?” If so, then keep on doing that but on the other hand if you believe that you deserve more from life then I invite you to consider what lifestyle would you like for your self? What lifestyle would you like for yourself? What is the environment in which you would flourish? What would that look like, sound like and feel like? As the new you what would you look like, sound like and feel like?

There is a term, “The conservative millionaire”. So the conservative millionaire dresses in old jeans, they drive a ten year old car, they are careful how they spend their money, and they invest their savings carefully. Which brings us to personality type.

Know your Personality Type
So you have to start by identifying your personality type. I use the Wealth Dynamics Profile. I am an Introverted Creator type. Each personality type has a different path to wealth. So what works for one type will not work for another. Understanding your personality type forms the foundation for success in life, relationships, career, business and wealth. You can read about the Wealth Dynamics Profile on my website or watch one of the videos that I made on the topic.

Identify your Passions
Once you know your personality type then you need to identify your passions. If you are passionate for something then it naturally drives your attention onto it. It comes easy to you and you find yourself in flow. A flow state is an optimal state of consciousness in which you perform at your best. When you live your life in flow then you feel good. When you feel good then life, relationships, career, business and health all improve. I talk about flow states in detail in some of my other videos and in my book, “God: the Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind”.

Know your Purpose.
Once you know your personality type and what you are passionate about, then you need to know what drives you – the big why – why you do what you do? For me – I want to wake people up – I want people to be more conscious and I want to empower you to empower others. This is what drives me.

So what drives you? Please leave your comments in the comments box below and if you need help in quiting cigarettes and marijuana, cutting down on alcohol, stopping the gambling habit and making better food choices so that you can lose weight and improve your health and your finances then contact me – Abby Eagle - using the contact form at the top right of this page.


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