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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


Learn to free yourself from your conditioning and limiting beliefs using this variation of the NLP Change Personal History Technique. Gold Coast Australia. Use the contact form in the right side bar to book a free 20 minute Skype or Zoom session.

NLP Change Personal History Technique Part 1 and Part 2

Imagine if you could rewrite the past? You can & this is how you do it

By Abby Eagle (2023)

How to free yourself from your conditioning and your limiting beliefs

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This article is Part 2 of the previous Change Personal History notes.

In this article I want to show you how to literally become the author of your own life. There are many techniques and procedures used to help people heal the past and many techniques and procedures on how to build a better future – but intrinsic to all of these procedures is your ability to manage the thoughts that you have in the cinema of your mind. Think of it this way. As you move through life you encode what you experience in the world in the cinema of your mind in pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and taste. That is in your five representational systems of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory – which gets shortened to VAKOG – and since most of us mainly use visual, auditory and kinesthetic this gets shortened to VAK.

Everyone has a cinema in their mind. In most cases your past memories will be encoded in VAK – in pictures, sounds and feelings. What I would like you to understand is that your memories are just pictures, sounds and feelings. Now imagine that your memories are on a hard drive on a computer – and that you could edit the memories in any way that you like? You could delete memories – you could change the memories using Photoshop – and you could create new memories – such that you could create a totally new past such that when you think back to the past you have memories that support you in the present. Would that be something that you would like to learn? And in addition to rewriting the past you can use the same skill set to imagine the future of your dreams.

How does this work? Start by thinking of yourself as a film director. As the film director you use your internal dialogue to direct the unconscious mind to create a movie in the cinema of your mind. This is a creative visualisation process.

This is only a short article so I can’t go into a lot of detail but this is basically how you do it. For negative memories what you need to do is to preserve the positive learnings and get a new understanding that supports you. For negative memories imagine that a film crew comes in to film that scene as part of a documentary or a feature film. So then the younger you is the protagonist and as the director you can rewrite that scene in as many ways as you like until it has a totally new meaning.

And for the rest of the past you get to insert whatever content that you desire. So if for example you lived in a poor working class area then you may like to build images of yourself living in a mansion. The intention being to build a richer and stronger foundation from which you can deal with your present situation and empower you to step up to the next best version of yourself.

You will know that the visualisation process is working when you see yourself in the past as fit, strong and healthy with a fantastic life experience to draw upon in the present.

At the outset I would say that this procedure has the power to totally change your conditioning and remove limiting beliefs – and build a more robust identity for being in the world which enables you to step up the success ladder.

So in this article I want to give you two more examples of how I used the procedure. In the first example I show you how to use it to overcome shyness and become more extroverted. In the second example how you can use it to develop a skill, overcome anxiety and build self confidence.

Overcome Shyness & Become More Extroverted

I am an INTJ personality type so generally I am quite introverted and I find it challenging doing activities which involve meeting people and striking up conversations whether they be face-to-face, online or on the phone, especially if it is a cold call. So this is what I did.

I imagined that I was back in primary school – that is elementary school for you Americans – and what I did was to walk up to every member of the class and say “hello”. I then walked around the playground and introduced myself to every student.

I then imagined walking around the suburb in which I lived and knocking on every door and introducing myself.

The result is that now when I am in the street, shopping, in a lift or out in the street I find myself compelled to say hello and start a casual conversation with strangers. This is something that I used to do but now I am doing it much more. So the procedure works.

Develop a Skill, Overcome Anxiety & Build Confidence

So in the second example as I explored my past and wondered how I could have improved it I thought of my interest in swimming. Now as I child I lived about half a mile from the Swan river and even though I played around the river bank a lot it was only on occasions that I actually got into the water. It was not until 17 years of age when I met a girl with an underground backyard pool that I was able to get really serious about learning how to swim.

Anyway when I was a boy I used to fish from a jetty on the river near a traffic bridge. On one occasion I nearly drowned when swimming back from the bridge to the jetty. So using the NLP Change Personal History procedure what I did was to imagine jumping off the jetty into the water – climbing back on the jetty and jumping back in again but then I remembered that jumping into the water caused me ear problems.

So what I did in my imagination was to climb over the jetty to a beam closer to the water and then step into the water. Then I would tread water for a bit then climb back out onto the beam. Climb back onto the jetty and then repeat the process. With each iteration the amount of time treading water increased. I also imagined floating on my back and then on my front. Then I climbed out onto the jetty to sit in the sun. With each iteration the image of myself looked and felt stronger.

Then by chance I remembered being at another jetty which was in secluded bush land at Success Hill about half a mile down the river. I used to feel a bit anxious about going onto the jetty in case some big boys came down and threatened to push me into the water but now I felt empowered because I looked and felt physically stronger and I could also swim. Now this is interesting because I had not worked on this actual memory. So this indicates that the positive changes that I made to the memory at the jetty by the road bridge had generalised to other memories.

And then I remembered an occasion at the traffic bridge jetty where a group of boys walking over the bridge shouted that they were going to get me. As they ran over the bridge I ran for my pushbike and road home as fast as I could but now I discovered that the image of me was transformed into that of a tough biker on a Harley Davidson and I was much more aggressive than the other boys. So that is two examples of how the resources and positive frames of mind have generalised.

What is also interesting is that when I lay down for a nap or to go to sleep at night that my unconscious mind presents me with images of running the Change Personal History procedure in different settings. This afternoon I lay down for a nap after lunch and I immediately began thinking of going to the jetty at the road bridge – jumping into the water – treading water for longer periods of time – swimming around for a bit then climbing back onto the jetty to sit in the sun and get warmed up – feeling and looking much stronger – and then repeating the process. Overall the Change Personal History procedure seems to be making a definite improvement in my current health and well being.

To summarise I would say that it has the power to totally change your conditioning and remove limiting beliefs – and build a more robust identity for being in the world which enables you to step up the success ladder. So if that interests you then I encourage you to experiment with this process and see what results you get – and keep in mind that regular practice leads to competence which builds confidence.

So now it is up to you to try out this Change Personal History procedure. Let me know how it goes for you in the comments section below. If you are looking for a coach then feel free to send me an email and organise a free 20 minute Skype or Zoom session

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