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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


Some people naturally love sellling while the rest have to learn how to sell. The key is to design a sales and marketing program that suits your personality type - your personality type is your genius. Phone Abby Eagle on 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype consultation. NLP and Hypnotherapy Gold Coast, Robina... Book an online Neuro Linguistic Programming coaching session - NLP Skype sessions - or face-to-face on the Gold Coast.


How to Love Making the Sale and Make More Money Using NLP Skills

By Abby Eagle (2019)

How to love making the sale?

Click the Image to Watch on YouTube

In this article I am going to show you how you can learn to love making the sale and thus increase your income exponentially. So where do we start?

First let’s take a look at money. What is money? It is a medium of exchange. It is also an abstraction on work. Hmmm? What does that mean? Well if you look at my video on the hierarchy of ideas – you will see that we chunk up to higher levels of abstraction and we chunk down to details. Those people who manage the higher levels of abstraction sit around in board rooms and decide what specific activities the workers will do. Does that make sense? Someone has an idea to make a mobile phone. The person who conceptualises the phone talks to a group of people about how to manufacture the phone and how to load it up with software and then how to connect wirelessly to a transmitting station.

Once they have designed the concept they look for people in industry who can manufacture the components. The industry CEO’s then talk to their managers who then instruct the workers into how to construct the components. Guess who gets paid the most? That’s right. The people who work at the top get paid more than the people at the bottom of the hierarchy who do the actual physical process of building the phone.

If you look at Steve Jobs and Bill Gates – both these creative entrepreneurs are or were billionaires surrounded by a team of millionaires. Now I am not suggesting that you should work at the top of the hierarchy. Remember the secret to success is to work to your personality type – this is your genius. Then get involved in a project or business that you are passionate about and interests you. Then make sure that the project or business fulfils your values. And work in an environment in which you flourish. This means everything you do will feel so much more natural and rewarding.


Define Your Product or Service

To start with you need a product or a service to sell.
The product or service needs to be clearly defined.
It needs to offer a solution to a problem.
In other words we sell things to help people.
However, the only way to get repeat sales is by selling an item that fulfils a significant value for the customer.

Keep in mind your ethics. Is the product or service that you offer - is it good for the customer, for the society, for the world, for the planet and for humanity? Does it help raise the vibration of the planet? For example, sugary soft drinks might help the customer fulfil their hydration needs but what are the negative consequences on the health of the customer and the society? So if your product or service is providing some significant benefit to the customer and the world then you should get to feel good each time you make a sale. Make a lot of sales and you get to feel fantastic. So at the end of the day if you made a bunch of sales that fulfil your value system and helps other people in some positive way then on reflection you should feel happy.

Different personality types will approach sales and marketing in a different way – which means you need to design a sales and marketing system that suits your personality type and makes it easier for you to get out of the struggle phase and into flow. I recommend that you should write out your own sales and marketing procedure and fine tune it as you master each step.

In brief you need to get your self, your product or your advert in front of your potential customer so that you can make a presentation. Whether you open a shop, a market stall, or build a website or open an online store the procedure is much the same.


The Eight Step Sales Process

1. Get rapport and build authority and trust. Whether that be through a website, a webinar, social media, youtube channel or a physical shop or venue. So you have to meet people and introduce yourself. Rather than getting single sales it helps to build an audience so that people come back to you.

2. Ask questions. Don’t start by talking at people – ask questions. Remember the questions, statements and commands that I talked about in earlier videos? Get people to open up to you. You are listening for a problem that the person has – that you may be able to solve with your product or service.

3. As you ask questions, listen and identify needs, wants and would likes.

4. Inoculate against objections. Let me give you an example: “Some people would say that this mobile phone is too expensive but what they don’t realise is that you can drop it and the glass does not shatter.” So what you do is answer the potential objection about price before they even raise it.

5. Once you have identified a problem then you offer a solution. You might say, “If I could solve that problem for you – would you be interested?”

6. Answer the customers questions. Make sure that you ask if they have any other questions that need answering before finalising the sale.

7. Ask for the sale. For example, are you ready to book a session? Can you come for a session during the week or would we need to do it on the weekend? Would Skype work for you? In some cases you may need to ask if there is anyone else who needs to be involved in the sales process.

8. Deal with objections. Think of an objection as a request for more information. So it helps to have a FAQ page which answers every possible objection that you might get.

Keep in mind that people will walk from shop to shop – or browse websites –  slowly gathering information and getting their questions answered. The sales person or website that answers the last question that the potential customer has in mind – invariably gets the sale. And as you learn to track the sales process I think you will come to enjoy helping people making good decisions.


Love Making the Sale

So you know your personality type. You are involved in a business which interests you and fulfils your values. You are in an environment in which you can flourish. You want to help people, society and the planet in some way. You want to raise the vibration of the planet.

You present your product or service to some people. You have a system for that. Whether your sales process is online or offline you have way to run the potential customer through the eight step sales process. You have a solution to their problem – you answer their questions and most importantly you ask for the sale.

As Richard Bandler said many years ago if you don’t ask the question then you won’t get the sale. So find as many ways that you can to ask for the sale. For example:
- do you want to book a session?
- are you ready to book a session?
- when would be the best time for you?
- would it be easier for you to come down on the weekend or during the week?
- would you be a looking at a couple of sessions or would you like to buy a coaching package and save some money?

If you were selling a car you might ask:
- which colour do you like best?
- what do you think your neighbours might say when they see your new car in the driveway?
- how do you think your friends might respond when you tell them that you bought this car?
- how much would you save on fuel?
- do you want to buy it?

As you talk to the potential customer take written notes – ask if there is anything else they need to know before making the purchase. In some cases the prospect will then say, “So what do we do now?” Make sure you have a response.

If you have an online business selling products then you need to be aware that the design of your webpages should answer all the potential questions that arise in the mind of the customer. That is quite a challenge. In addition some of the best websites have a message box where the potential customer can chat with someone on the sales team in real time.

So what are you going to do now? Are you ready to take action and learn the process of making the sale and loving it? If you want some help then feel free to contact me – Abby Eagle using the contact form - top right of this page. And feel to join us on the Facebook NLP Hypnotherapy Group.


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