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How to Increase Motivation and Drive Using NLP

By Abby Eagle (2019)

How to increase motivation and drive?

Click the Image to Watch on Youtube

In this article I am going to give you some insights into how to increase your motivation and drive. In my recent articles and videos I have covered: What is NLP. Finding your values. How to set a goal and commit. So in this article let’s take a more detailed look at how to increase your motivation and drive. We do this by doing a contrastive analysis.

Let’s start by exploring some areas where you may have been or still are highly motivated. So remember a time when you were single – you met someone to whom you were sexually attracted. And all you could do was think about this person – they occupied your thoughts – you were obsessed with this person. Then you got into a sexual relationship with them. The obsession continued but then over a period of time the energy settled down – the intensity is no longer there. So if the only reason you got together with that person was sex then when the sexual desire cools then you will find yourself losing interest and searching for another lover.

However, if that person also fulfils other values – higher values then even when the sexual desire cools down you may find the relationship to be even more fulfilling than before. The same goes with the goals that you set for yourself. You need to structure the project in such a way that you sustain the interest and the drive.

Now some people seem to set goals based upon what others are doing. So if in your culture having a big house with a swimming pool and a Ferrari in the garage is important then you may spend decades striving to buy these items with the associated lifestyle only to find that soon after acquiring them that you feel empty – because they were not important to you in the first place – what you did was to fulfil someone else’s values.

That is why I place so much importance on doing future selfing exercises and mapping out your own values. Because as you periodically look back on your goal setting you will come to gain an understanding of what is of real importance to you. – and what we are after is congruence. So let’s get down to the nitty gritty of increasing motivation and drive.

List Blocks and Obstacles

First off – make a list of all the blocks and obstacles in your life. What slows you down, blocks you and gets you into that stuck mode? Perhaps you don’t feel good about yourself? Perhaps you think you don’t deserve to be a success? Or there might be a fear of what could happen if you were to become a success? As you address and clear these blocks you will find your motivation and drive increasing. So right now pause the video and make a list of all the things that slow you down – the things that block you – the negative thoughts that come to mind – the reasons why you can’t be 100% motivated. If you write your notes on a big piece of butchers paper then you can ask yourself questions about each of the blocks and using questions, statements and commands – and writing your notes on the butchers paper -  you should be able to make some progress and free yourself up. Keep in mind I can help you to clear those blocks using NLP procedures.

Contrastive Analysis

The next thing is to do a contrastive analysis. So think of something for which you have 100% motivation. Or better still think in terms of commitment. So think of something for which you are totally committed. It could be something like surfing, snow boarding, skate boarding. Something that has a positive impact upon your life. Think of a particular manoeuvrer or action that you take to which you are totally motivated. There is no hesitation – you just take action and do it.

So what I do is to help you map out the submodality distinctions in the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic representational systems. Start by checking the visual submodalities. Perhaps you have an image right in front of your face – big, bright, colourful and moving.

On the other hand when you think of the activity that you lack motivation for - the image may be off to one side or lower – it may be a still image, unclear and further away. So there is a difference in how your mind represents the two things.

So after doing an ecology check – which is to make sure that it is okay to be totally motivated to go after your outcome then you need to shift the location of the unmotivated image into the location of the motivated image. You also have to shift the auditory into the location, volume, tonality and tempo of  the totally motivated thing.  It takes a lot of practice to do this correctly which is where I can help you.

NLP Two Part Reframe

And then to build in more congruence we do what is called a 'two part reframe’. Let me explain. Have you ever been in two minds about something? It is like you want to do something but you also don’t want to do it. It’s like you want to eat chocolate but you also want to take care of your health.

The two minds dilemma is often expressed as an adult conscious part of your self versus an unconscious part or feeling that seems to act out of conscious awareness. It is like you know you want to do something but there is a feeling which prevents you or makes you do something else.

So what we do here is map out both parts of yourself – one part in one hand and the other part in the other hand. Then we gather information about each part in terms of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic representational systems. So you ask yourself what do you see when you look at the part in the left hand. What images come to mind. Then you ask what are the words or the thoughts that come to mind. Make sure you write it down. Then you ask what does this part feel like? Then ask what is this part trying to achieve, or what is important to this part, or why do that? You want to get a hierarchy of values by asking questions like - so once you get this value then what do you get to have and to experience? Or what is important to you about this part? Or what does this part mean to you? You are running a core outcome chain to get the driver values.

Map out both parts. What you should discover is that both parts want the same highest value for you. Then invite each part to acknowledge the positive intention of the other part. Invite each part to team up with the other part – and in doing so pool their resources.  If the parts agree to work with each other you should find that the hands naturally come together and you get a unification and a new super part which is totally integrated within the body.  And hence you gain greater congruence – motivation and drive.

I hope this information helps. I know it is a bit technical and I have only given you an outline but the actual NLP procedures to increase motivation and drive does require a lot of knowledge and skill. Do the best that you can and when you are ready send me an email and set up a time to chat on Skype using the contact form - top right of this page. And feel free to join the Facebook NLP Hypnotherapy Group.


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