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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


Learn how to build a winners mindset by installing powerful beliefs that support you. NLP, Hypnotherapy and Meditation - Gold Coast Australia ... Use the contact form in the right side bar to book a free 20 minute Skype or Zoom session.


Learn How To Build A Winners Mindset And Get Into The Power Seat Of Your Life

By Abby Eagle (2024)

practise using NLP processes to set an intention and see what happens

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In this article I want to show you how to build a winners mindset. As you may know NLP is a modelling methodology. So what we do is find someone who is at the top of their profession and then model out their mindset and their behaviours. We then come up with understandings, principles, techniques and procedures that we can share with others.

Now I have an old friend that I have known for decades. His name is Steven. He would say things like, “I am God, you are God. God is all knowing, God is everywhere and has the ultimate power”. Then he would say, “As I am God I can do anything that I want – I may not know how to do that but I can learn as I go along.”

Steve told me how on one occasion he was sitting in a pub and when some guy walked in he used the opportunity to strike up a conversation. Once he had rapport and they learned they had some similar interests in gold he struck up a deal with the guy. And Steve told me that he had no idea how to fulfill his part of the bargain but that as God he knew that he could do whatever was necessary. He ended up making a lot of money from this deal – but this was not just one of those lucky contacts. Again and again he would meet a stranger – strike up a conversation – build rapport – find similar areas of interest – then do a deal – and then he would have to work out how to fulfill his side of the bargain.


So let’s unpack this. He starts with the identity – the belief that, “I am God.” But he is not self centred or narcissistic in this belief. He also believes that you – that is the other person is also God. So he has an even playing field. And notice that I use the term, ‘playing field’ – which is a game metaphor.

And what are the traits of God? Well God is all knowing, God is all powerful and God is everywhere. God can do anything that he puts his mind to.


Now in NLP we have a  principle that you have all the resources that you need within you. You just need to name, access and mobilise them. The most fundamental model that we start with is the present state to desired outcome model. The present state is who you are now and what you have. The desired outcomes are your goals – the new you – your future self.


Now let me summarise the secrets of success – you need to understand your personality type – you have to know what your passions and interests are. You have to know what your values – why you do what you do and what motivates you – and then you have to get yourself into an environment in which you flourish.

And then we have identity, attitude, values, beliefs and behaviours. So you have frames of mind – thoughts that you have in mind which direct and modify your behaviour – and determine what you can and cannot achieve – or perhaps we should say, what you may or may not achieve – because if you have beliefs which limit your success then this is not about reality but about what you believe is possible for you.

Okay, are you still with me? So you hold the thought in mind that, “I am God” and since God is all knowing, all powerful and is everywhere then as God I can do anything – anything that is within reason of course - keeping in mind the NLP Well Formed Outcome Questions.

So now we take a look at the Old Testament – somewhere in the first part of the Old Testament which is known as the Torah there is a chapter which says something to the effect, “Wherever you put your feet that land shall be yours - and the wealth of the nations shall be yours”.


So now let’s put this all together. Do you want to achieve greater levels of success?
If so, then what beliefs do you need to remove and what beliefs would serve you? Try the following:


1. I am God. You are God.
2. God is all knowing, God is all powerful – God is everywhere.
3. As God I can do just about anything.
4. I can have anything that I want.
5. I have all the resources that I need with me. I just need to name those resources, access and utilise them.
6. All the external resources are freely available to me. I just need to name them, access and utilise them.
7. My personality type is my genius. So I am going to learn as much as I can about my personality type and the personality type and traits of successful people.
8. I am going to spend more time focusing on my passions and my interests.
9. I am going to elicit my values and the values of successful people so that I get a better understanding of what it is that drives me into flow.
10. I am going to build an environment in which I flourish.


So keeping in mind your present state and your desired outcomes – listen to the thoughts that you have in mind – listen to the words that you say to yourself – and ask yourself, “Do these thoughts serve me?” If not, then what thoughts would serve you? What do you need to say to yourself? What are the questions, statements and commands that you need to utter?

Listen to what other people say. Keep in mind that the words that people use drive their behaviour and work towards them achieving or not achieving an outcome. The words that people use will also tell you something about their personality type, identity, attitude, values, beliefs and behaviours.

So as I stated earlier, NLP is a modelling methodology. So whether you are an experienced NLP’er or not you can still practise modelling out the language patterns that a person uses – and then try it on for yourself and see what results that you get. This is what I thinkRichard Bandler meant when he talked about becoming a learning machine.

Let me know what you think in the comments section below. If you can share the article on social media and join me over at my Facebook Group that will help the algorithm enormously. All the best to you.

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NLP Future Selfing


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