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COVID-2020 Future Selfing - Creating a Better Version of Yourself With NLP

By Abby Eagle (2020)

corona virus nlp patterns

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It is time to put aside COVID-19 – and focus on COVID-2020. What is COVID-2020? Is this a more potent version of the coronavirus? No not all – this is an opportunity for you to learn from the coronavirus lockdown and use the learnings to transform your life. When? This year – 2020.

So the acrostic COVID stands for collaborate, organise, validate, intelligence, decision.

You could try and do everything by yourself or you could learn to collaborate with like minded people. People who share similar passions and interests. Now finding people who share similar interests can be quite challenging even with social media and meetups. So the ‘C’ of COVID could also stand for ‘challenge’. You are confronted with a challenge. So what do you do? Well the first thing that I would suggest you do is to work on a NLP Future Selfing exercise in which you conceptualise your outcomes.

I have covered this in more detail in a previous NLP Future Selfing video. You take a large piece of butchers paper and you start by listing your present state or problems on the left side of the page and then you list your desired outcomes at the top right of the page. You draw a box for a ‘to-do list’ at the bottom right of the page – and then using questions, statements and commands you map out the steps and stages that are required for you to move from your present state to your desired outcome. It is also helpful to refer to the NLP Well Formed Outcome Questions.

So I suggest that you collaborate with like minded people. That you either find or create an environment in which you flourish. You make friends with people who share similar passions and interests – and you learn how to team up together to maximise your potential and your enjoyment.

There is quite a lot to doing that which means you need to be organised. And once again that is where the NLP Future Selfing exercise is really quite useful. It gives you something that you can refer back to on a daily basis and it is a lot easier than doing a formal goal setting exercise as a Word document. And the reason why NLP Future Selfing exercises get results is because you actually take thoughts out of mind and put them on paper – the kinesthetic component is very important. I don’t think NLP Future Selfing is so effective if you do it on a computer device.

Not only that but using paper means you can do a NLP Future Selfing exercise as a team effort. So you get your large sheet of butchers paper – lay it out on the table and then using questions, statements and commands, and keeping the NLP Well Formed Outcome Questions in mind you map your thoughts out on the paper. Each person can contribute to the project and you have a ‘to-do list’ which clearly states what immediate action should be taken.

And then if possible you stick the NLP Future Selfing exercise on a wall so that everyone can see it – and then over the next few days or weeks you can continue to update it. You can still take a photo to put on your phone but the main reference should be the butchers paper. So the NLP Future Selfing exercise is the Organise part of the COVID acrostic.

And then we get to validate. So you accept the challenges that life presents to you –
you put yourself in an environment in which you flourish – you collaborate with like minded people – you conceptualise and organise your projects doing a Future Selfing exercise – and then it is time to acknowledge yourself and the others in your team for doing just that.

Acknowledgment is a key part of being in rapport with others. Acknowledgement of self brings with it the self recognition – the self awareness that you are okay – that you have what it takes to transform your life and create a better future for yourself. So that means you should take the acknowledgement to a higher level and validate yourself – give yourself value. You are okay – you are doing good. And make sure that you also validate people in your team so that they get to feel good about themselves and get positive outcomes.

The ‘I’ of the COVID-2020 acrostic stands for ‘intelligence’. To harness every valuable IQ point of your intelligence requires that you work to your personality type – and what you want is for each of you in the team or family to understand and accept your personality types and differences because as Roger Hamilton says, your personality type is your genius.

At some point you need to make a decision to take action – an intelligent decision after having mapped out your present state and desired outcome on butchers paper using a NLP Future Selfing exercise – and most importantly drawing upon the NLP Well Formed Outcome Questions. And once you have made the decision then you can take action – feeling confident that the time and resources will be a good investment for you.

So I hope that this article has empowered you in some way and reminded you of the importance of taking whatever happens in life as a challenge – such that it becomes second nature for you to reflect upon your present state – access and mobilise both inner and outer resources – work methodically towards your desired outcomes and build a better version of yourself.

If you are looking for some coaching then send me an email using the contact form on this page. And feel free to join us over at the Facebook NLP & Hypnotherapy Group.


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