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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


If you want to overcome a bad habit or get out of poverty and increase your income then start by taking responsibility for your situation. Phone 07 5562 5718 or send Abby an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype session. NLP, Hypnotherapy and Medtation, Gold Coast, Robina.


How to Gain Personal Power by Taking Responsibility for Your Life - NLP Techniques

By Abby Eagle (2020)

How to gain personal power by taking responsibility for your life

Click the Image to Watch on YouTube

Welcome back. In this article we are going to talk about the ‘R’ word. That’s right – responsibility. Now if you hate the idea of responsibility and you have hated people who told you to be more responsible then just listen because there is an enormous amount of power to be gained through taking responsibility for your own thoughts and your own actions.

So, do you think of yourself as a victim – do you blame others or something external for your life situation – do you put the responsibility onto others or do you take responsibility for yourself?

So if you drink too much alcohol, smoke cigarettes, smoke marijuana, gamble or overeat do you blame brain chemistry, hormones, stress, your child hood – or do you accept that you are the one who is doing the behaviour and since you are the one who is doing the behaviour then you could take some action to change your behaviour?

If you are poor do you blame other people for your poverty? Do you blame the government, lack of schooling, lack of welfare programs? Do you blame rich people or other groups of people for your poverty – or do you accept your past for what it is? Do you accept the society and culture for what it is – and then take some action to improve your situation?

I see too many people in the world who blame others for their situation whether that be about a relationship, a job, a career, a business, their health, their prosperity, their lifestyle etc. and if they only knew that just by making a few simple changes in how they think that they could transform their life. If only they knew?

So in this article we are going to look at the part that you play in your life situation and how by taking responsibility for your life you can overcome many problems and create a better version of yourself and a better life for yourself.

The first step is the willingness to take responsibility for who you are and your current situation. In a way this places you in the back seat of your life. But once you acknowledge that you are in the back seat then this immediately shifts you into the drivers seat. So now that you are in the drivers seat you have to learn how to drive the car so to speak. How, being the operative word.

Now in one of the early NLP books there was a story about an engineer who is called in to fix a ship’s steam engine. It goes something like this. The man, followed by the captain, examines the ship’s engine for about half an hour – then he takes out his spanner and gently taps a pipe. The engine begins working normally once again so the problem is solved. When the captain receives the bill he is a little annoyed to see that he has been charged $1,000.00 for a simple and quick procedure so he calls up the engineer and asks him to send an itemised bill. The engineer types up a new bill. It reads, tapping the pipe $50.00 – knowing where to tap $950.00.

The point of this story is to help you understand that even complex problems may have a simple solution, that is if you know where to make the change. And I should point out that just because a consensus of scientists, sociologists or psychologists believe something to be true does not necessarily make it true. Do you get that? Consensus does not necessarily hold the correct position on truth.

Me – I am the guy who challenges everything for the truth – the guy who looks for the simplest solution. I have been in the field of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Meditation since 1984. I have a track record of helping people quit marijuana, alcohol, gambling, lose weight, stop binge eating and purging, etc. sometimes in as little as 2 hours. I tell you this so that you might listen in to what I have to say.

So the key question that I offer you today is, “How do you do the process of ‘x’? For example, how do you do the process of smoking marijuana, how do you do the process of drinking to excess, how do you do the process of gambling, how do you do the process of binge eating, etc? By asking this question it puts the responsibility for your behaviour directly onto your shoulders  – it puts you in the drivers seat so to speak, and it gives me the bits of information that I need to help you make transformational change

We can also apply the same question to the problems of fear, anxiety, social anxiety, eco-anxiety, feeling oppressed, or even about your social situation and income. We ask, how do you do the process of ‘x’? For example, how do you do the process of creating anxiety; how do you do the process of feeling oppressed; how do you do the process of being on a low income? Do you see where we are going with this? We are putting the responsibility squarely onto your broad shoulders – which is the first step of empowerment – and then we are asking, how do you do the process of whatever it is that you do? So we look at the presenting problem in terms of strategies.

Let me put this another way. Whatever you do – you are the one who is doing it. So if you smoke cigarettes then you are the one who is smoking cigarettes. If you drink too much alcohol then you are one who is doing the drinking. If you eat junk food or overeat then you are the one who makes the decision to eat those foods. If you are poor then what part do you play in your poverty?

If we take our car analogy – then by taking responsibility for your present situation this puts you in the drivers seat. Once in the drivers seat you have to train yourself or get training from someone like me to show you how to use the controls and drive your car to the desired destination on the best path at the correct speed.

Do you get it? We take your present situation and break it down into a series of behavioural strategies. So if you are poor then what are the thought processes that keep you in the rut of poverty? And on the other hand what would be the thought processes that would get you out of the rut and improve your income? In some cases this is going to take you to the edge of your map, so to speak. I did a video on this recently titled. “How to Take a Jump Into the Unknown With a Sense of Trust Using NLP”. This video will give you some insights into dealing with an extremely challenging situation.

See also the video titled, “How to Use NLP to Set a Stretch Goal & Transform Yourself”.

And then there is a video which gives an insight into how I work with my clients titled, “Secrets of Success”. That is a lot of reading and watching for you to do but it will pay off.

So the point of this video is to remind you to stop blaming the world for your current situation and instead accept responsibility for who you are – where you are – and what you have – and then learn how to get into the drivers seat of your mind and your life and create a better version of yourself.

Please leave a comment below and if you are looking for an experienced NLP Coach then feel free to contact me for a free twenty minute introductory session on Skype. Just search for "Abby Eagle Gold Coast Australia". You are also invited to join us over at the Facebook NLP Hypnotherapy Group.


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