GOD: The greatest misunderstanding in the history of mankind


Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

Buy the book - GOD: The Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind by Abby Eagle. Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session. NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Meditation. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.


GOD: The Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind.


“The unconscious mind is like a silent partner, that is always present, knows your every thought and your every desire, has the power to affect both body and mind at the core of your being, and is always ready to help you, as long as you should just communicate in the right way. Hmm... sounds much like God.” Abby Eagle

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Abby Eagle presents a new way of understanding faith healing, placebo,
mind-body healing, conscious mind, unconscious mind, ego, religion, spirituality, channelling, angels, god, devil, heaven, hell, near death experiences, spiritual experiences and enlightenment – from the framework of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnosis, meditation and the science of flow states.

Abby brings his understanding of hypnosis to meditation and spiritual experiences based upon existential experience - using linguistic tools from NLP to map out the structure of how people think, and why they create the meaning that they do, and thus gain an understanding of why they do what they do.

GOD: The greatest misunderstanding in the history of mankind



In 1984 I took Sannyas with Osho, a contemporary mystic, and soon after was introduced to NLP and Hypnotherapy. Osho gave me a breadth and depth of knowledge about religion, and an experience of meditation that I would never have been able to find through normal channels. Most importantly, Osho taught me not to rely upon borrowed knowledge but to make your own existential inquiry into truth – to challenge everything for the ultimate Truth – and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis gave me the tools to do just that.

In this book on secular spirituality I have attempted to present to the reader a new way of understanding faith healing, placebo, mind-body healing, conscious mind, unconscious mind, ego, religion, spirituality, channelling, angels, god, devil, heaven, hell, near death experiences, spiritual experiences and enlightenment – from the framework of NLP, hypnosis, meditation and the science of flow states.

The book was written over a period of eight years which gave me time to continually update the notes until it takes the form that you see it now. It explores the concept that we are the meaning maker – that we are the one who give meaning to events that occur in the world; we are the one who gives meaning to the experiences that we have, and to the experiences that others have – meaning is not inherent in the event – we create the meaning – we are the meaning maker. Sometimes that meaning serves us, sometimes it does not. Sometimes that meaning serves us but does not serve others.

The book explores the process of giving prestige, of adulation and worship. Of how we may be too quick to create fiction and fantasy based upon ideas that we hold in mind. Of how we may be looking in the wrong direction to find God. However, this book is not a book about God - it is not about secular spirituality – it is a book based upon my own existential experience.

I wrote the book, in part because it maps out my own personal inquiry into truth – and because I want to help wake people up to themselves such that they might realise their true potential – whether you call that Self Realisation, Enlightenment or Self Actualisation.

Read what NLP Trainer, Richard Bolstad has to say:

"I read this book in one sitting and it is without a doubt one of the best books on practical spirituality ever written. Covering related territory to my own book Integration, it invites you on a similar search for a secular spirituality, and shows Abby's depth of understanding of NLP, Hypnotherapy, Meditation and Comparative Religion. Whether you already are familiar with NLP or not, and whether you've read my book or not, "God: The Greatest Misunderstanding In The History of Mankind" will give you new perspectives on that subject and guide you through some great new processes. Abby has a wealth of background experience and knowledge in these fields and he writes in an easy to read style, backed up with good research. Like some of what Abby says, the title is designed to rattle your mental cage: do let Abby shake your cage, and do read past that and experience these processes." Richard Bolstad, NLP Trainer

Read what Peter has to say:

"Abby Eagle is always seeking to challenge your assumption and help you to discover a new reality. In the God book Abby does this more completely than possibly anywhere else in his teaching. You thought you knew about God ... read this book and think again. You may not always agree with the conclusions that Abby comes to - that is not the point. You will aways be challenged to come to your own conclusion and find a new reality for yourself. And that is just the start of the journey. Where that journey takes you is up to you, maybe even to a new understanding of the nature of God or life itself. Five stars." Peter Turner, Film Maker, Gold Coast Australia

Read what Steve C. has to say:

"God The Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind by Abby Eagle is a "tour de force". Tour de force is defined in various dictionaries as something like:"an impressive performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill."So what has Abby performed, achieved and accomplished with great skill in this book?

Here are the Section Headings:
1. Beyond Hypnosis
2. Suggestion and Autosuggestion
3. What is the Mind
4. On Mastering the Mind
5. What is the Process of Enlightenment
6. How to Engineer Flow
7. The Myths of Enlightenment
8. A New Understanding Arises
9. Appendixes A. – G. (which include descriptions of processes enabling understanding and application of “change technologies”

So what has Abby performed, achieved and accomplished with great skill in this book which qualifies it to be called a “tour de force?

Abby has synthesized and organized his decades of study and practice both on himself and on his friends, family, clients and colleagues into a highly accessible, understandable and applicable description, explanation and provision of a selective grouping of enormously powerful “change” concepts and techniques .

This book if “taken to heart” has the potential to be “life changing” in a magnificent way. God The Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind is a generous gift from Abby to the reader.

Coming to a synthesis similar to that which is provided in this book is unlikely for most people and simply impossible for others. The main obstacle, passion for the subject matter and a willingness to focus attention for as long as it takes to “transform”.

I question your sanity if you do not buy and read the book and apply its impressive wisdom and the techniques revealed. I can't think of a better use of your time, attention and money if you are interested in being happy, peaceful and confident that your understanding of why your experience of being alive is what it is has specific and knowable causes.

Do yourself a favor, stop thinking and buy, read and apply what you discover in this beautiful book." Steve C. – friend and fan of Abby Eagle



Abby Eagle has a 30 year background in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Meditation. He believes that to raise consciousness, one has to be willing to challenge everything for the truth - even one’s most cherished beliefs. He works as an NLP Hypnotherapist / Coach on the Gold Coast of Australia.

GOD: The Greatest Misunderstanding in the History of Mankind by Abby Eagle. Published 18/11/2015 106,583 words. 333 pages set in 12 pt Minion Pro.













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