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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

Banish your food cravings with NLP and Hypnotherapy. Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session with Abby Eagle. You have landed on this page because you want to lose weight fast using NLP Coaching and hypnosis... Neuro Linguistic Programming. Eating disorder recovery program. NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation Gold Coast, Robina. Online NLP coaching available - Skype and Zoom sessions.


How to banish food cravings

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NLP Coaching Combined with Hypnotherapy is the Most Cost Effective Treatment for Weight Loss

No willpower is required to lose weight with NLP and hypnotherapy - the underlying issues are dealt with quickly and gently - make rapid gentle change - no feelings of deprivation - no internal conflict - no anxiety - no symptom substitution - the food is replaced with feelings of confidence, love and happiness - find yourself making healthy food choices naturally - quick weight loss with NLP and hypnotherapy - most people lose weight at the rate of 1-2 kg per week - healthy weight management with NLP and hypnosis - NLP is much more effective than Gastric Banding and Hypnoband.

With NLP you can banish over eating, food cravings, carbohydrate cravings, emotional eating, comfort eating, food addictions and bad habits. With the procedures that I have developed over the past twenty years you will learn how to master your mind and body. If you want to banish a single item like chocolate or ice cream then we can do that. If you want to curb your appetite and just eat less then we can do that. If you want to cut down on (or eliminate) coffee, beer, wine and spirits then we can do that. Corporate weight loss programs available.

Weight Loss is Faster, Easier and Much More Fun With NLP and Hypnosis

quick and easy weight loss with nlp and hypnotherapy gold coast Why people over eat, and the answer to permanent weight loss

The secret to quick and easy weight loss is to understand the underlying structure. In most cases those people who overeat, smoke cigarettes or marijuana, drink alcohol or use drugs do so because they want to suppress a negative emotion like stress, anxiety, hurt, boredom and guilt. (The negative emotion is sometimes out of conscious awareness.) The substance also works to bring in a positive feeling like confidence and relaxation, and it may also be a way of giving yourself something like love and nurturance. In addition people say it is like being in two minds. One part, the adult rational part thinks that they should just be able to change their behaviour but the other part is more like a two year old at the level of the unconscious mind. This unconscious part knows nothing about cause and effect, and present to future consequences. All it knows is that it feels bad and it wants to feel good right now. Using will power to lose weight does not work because as soon as you drop your guard the unconscious part takes over. The solution is to meet the positive intention of the unconscious part by bringing in positive feelings to replace the negative feelings, and then instruct the unconscious mind in a very specific way to banish the desire for the food items, which it does faithfully.

Another aspect to the over eating problem is that many people have a two step strategy, that is, they see food and make a decision to eat. Most people who are overweight decide what to eat based upon taste rather than nutrition. In addition marketers know that if they present their junk food in a colourful, glossy, sparkling package that it will stimulate the 'wow' part of the brain causing people to behave momentarily like a two year old child.

Building in a healthy eating strategy involves creating a mental list of good and bad foods, then when one considers a food item one does it based upon nutrition and the effect upon the health of the body in the long term, not upon what tastes good in the present. This longer strategy is installed at the level of the unconscious mind so that it runs automatically.

Whether you experience food cravings, overeat, binge eat, snack on sweets or savouries, use food to suppress your emotions, have low self esteem, confidence, or are stressed and tired you can lose weight easily with NLP hypnotherapy, and reach your ideal weight.

There is no need to count calories. No need for meal replacement programs. No need to use will power. You won't feel like you are missing out. In actual fact using NLP hypnotherapy you will feel so much happier that the thought of those problem foods just won't enter your mind. You will experience what it is really like to begin mastering your mind and your life using NLP hypnotherapy.


Watch the Free Weight Loss Tutorials

Weight loss tip 1

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Permanent weight loss is faster and easier with NLP and hypnotherapy.

gold coast hypnotherapist proves will power not needed for weight lossNo will power required to lose weight using NLP and hypnotherapy

"I visited Abby Eagle four weeks ago for a NLP hypnosis session to help me deal with weight loss issues. I have got excellent results. Even though I don't weigh myself I know I have lost weight because my clothes fit differently now. Since the NLP hypnosis session I have not been eating any snacky foods. For example the family went on a picnic. We took the usual cheese dips but also fruit and salad. I found myself naturally eating the grapes, nuts and tomatoes. It did not require any will power. It is much the same as when I was pregnant and my body craved healthy steak and vegetables." Tracy Kearney, Managing Director Ensenada Enterprises, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia.

Weight loss should not require will power. If it does then you have not addressed the underlying issues. Hypnotherapy and NLP provide the most effective tools for this purpose.

banish food cravings with hypnotherapyCravings for salty foods banished using NLP and hypnotherapy

"I used to snack on salty foods all the time. Since Abby showed me how to use self hypnosis two weeks ago I have lost 3 kgs. It's awesome because it only took 30 minutes to learn how to banish the food cravings. Now when I go to a friends place I just eat a meal and that's it. Before the hypnosis session I used to compulsively think about what else I could eat. Now I am now longer interested in the food that is around. -- Two months later I have lost 8 kgs. I slowed down a bit in the cooler months but have started losing weight again."

And about twelve months later, "By the way, I've lost 20 kilos now and maintaining the weight by having a balanced acid/alkaline ratio!" Anja Cass, Gold Coast, Australia.

What you might find interesting is that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In a NLP hypnotherapy session not only will you lose weight fast but most importantly you will learn how to communicate with your inner mind - that is your unconscious mind.

A food craving may seem like it is outside of your control but it is in actual fact within your power to control, using hypnosis. Cravings for any type of food can be banished using NLP and hypnosis. Whether that be carbohydrates, sugar, dairy, chips, savouries, chocolate, junk food or substances like cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol. Looking on the positive side any problem should be seized as an opportunity to learn how to master your mind and your self.

testimonials for hypnotherapy and weight lossRead how Jackie lost weight using NLP and Hypnotherapy

"I had a problem with being over weight for ten years. I had tried many weight reduction diets and fancy weight loss clubs but still had the problem.

I had three NLP and hypnosis sessions with Abby Eagle. Now I am able to make educated decisions about my eating habits and what is beneficial for me to eat. I am disciplined in what I purchase; its nutritional value, fat and fibre content etc. I plan my meals and I'm taking the time to enjoy my food.

I have lost a steady 1.1 kg a week since the first consultation. I have made a definite mind shift to fitness and healthier eating habits. Because I'm feeling fitter I'm more motivated, self assured and confident. I'm sure the continuing improvements will amaze some people but after my NLP experience I expect total success.

Abby's knowledge, gentle confidence, calmness and his ability to teach me the necessary techniques to improve my lifestyle have been a joy to experience. It's important to realise that you're in control of your life and can, and should play an active role in this amazing process." Jackie Stewart, Ashmore City, Gold Coast, Qld

hypnotherapy most effective with weight lossComments on weight loss by a Gold Coast Master NLP & Hypnotherapy Practitioner

Jackie echo's the thoughts of so many people who wish to lose weight - the run around of the weight loss diets, the meal replacement programs, and the expensive weight loss clubs. Is weight loss such a big industry because so many businesses artfully avoid the root causes of weight gain?

Poor diet, especially for those on high carbohydrates and processed foods can make it a challenge for anyone to lose weight, especially when food additives such as MSG and aspartame add to the problem. But regardless of correct diet, if you are motivated to lose weight then you will find a way. Unfortunately, the one issue that most weight loss programs fail to address, is the most important - that is, emotional needs drive the desire to overeat.

However, NLP and hypnotherapy in combination are excellent in helping you work with those issues. And whereas many weight loss programs talk of harnessing discipline to control overeating, with hypnotherapy the issue is resolved at the level of your unconscious mind, so you don't need to use will power or concentration to control your eating (but you do need awareness.) Imagine that? NLP hypnotherapy means that weight loss requires no will power. And you won't feel that you are missing out. __ © Author Abby Eagle


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- Take the opportunity to get your questions answered.
- Put yourself at ease before you book a coaching session.

When you contact us please specify whether you want a free 20 minute interview or whether you want to book a session.

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Varsity Lakes Qld - Gold Coast Office
Gold Coast NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation



Weight loss tips for the Gold Coast lifestyle

weight loss requires and action plan Weight loss requires an action plan. Get a diary and set achievable goals.
to lose weight you need to value health Successful weight loss requires a shift in values. You need to value health above food. If you value success in business above health then you need shift the health value so that it is higher than business success, for without health how can you be truly successful?
weight loss requires a knowledge of traditional nutrition Weight loss requires a knowledge of nutrition. Mainstream sources of information on health and weight loss are not necessarily correct at all. See the Weston A Price Foundation website for information on traditional recipes for weight loss.
the gold coast is conducive to easy weight loss The Gold Coast has a climate conducive to an outdoor lifestyle. So at every opportunity take a walk. When you drive somewhere try and park a distance from your destination so that you have an opportunity to get some exercise.
quick weight loss from day one Aim to lose weight slowly. Programs that promise 25lbs of quick weight loss in two weeks are destined to fail. A steady 1kg (2.2lbs) a week will bring long term results.
book into the gold coast weight loss hypnotherapy clinic Bring awareness to what you eat. Are you really hungry or are you trying to give yourself a good feeling? If you want a good feeling then food is not the right choice. How else could you bring a good feeling into your life?

Note: that I don't do hypno lap band weight loss. Instead I use precise NLP hypnotherapy tools and techniques to deal with underlying causes and banish food cravings. Read the following admission on the limitations of the much hyped Hypnobanding technique.

"[Gastric Banding using Hypnosis] Only works with people who eat too much at a single meal. Does not appear to work well for people who graze or who are addicted to chocolate, soft drink, etc. Deal with that as a separate issue." Reprinted from a handout 'Gastric Banding using Hypnosis' by Susy Hall Hypnotist







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