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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


This page introduces you to the NLP Peace Mapping Course - a course in Investigative Journalism - using tools from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). If you have any questions please send me an email using the contact form to the right of this page.

Enrol In The NLP Peace Mapping Course


A course in investigative journalism

Online Course

About - NLP Peace Mapping

A course in investigative journalism which teaches you how to uncover the truth using the NLP Communication Model.


You will need a desktop computer or laptop with speakers so that you can listen to the videos - and you will also need an Internet connection.

Why You Should Enrol in the NLP Peace Mapping Course

This course is for people who are willing to take responsibility for playing their part in creating a better world. You could live your life as a lie – deny the truth and just believe what the authorities tell you –or you could face up to life with an open mind – with a sense of curiosity, fascination and playfulness – always finding another stone to be turned over – always seeing another bend in the road that you need to explore. Life should be a never ending journey where there is always something more to learn.

The NLP Peace Mapping course is for seekers of truth – and for those who should be seeking truth and facts – such as  journalists, talk show hosts, celebrities, youtubers, politicians and people from both sides of the political spectrum, professors, scientists, teachers, health care practitioners, coaches, business people, men, women and children from every country in the world.

What is the NLP Peace Mapping Course About?

In the middle ages the Europeans believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth - it was religious doctrine and few people dared to question the doctrine. But the downside of belief is that it stops you from asking questions and may retard your spiritual, emotional and cognitive development and thus limit what you can achieve in the world. In the NLP Peace Mapping course you will learn:

- How to develop critical thinking skills to outsmart the experts.

- How to challenge everything for the truth and have a lot of fun in the process.

- How to be an investigative journalist and discover the facts.

- Rather than blindly accepting what you read and see on the Internet you will learn how to develop a questioning mind such that you delay forming a judgement.

- The benefits of challenging everything for the truth are that you throw off the sheep’s clothing given to you by society and you become an individual – you become an inspiration for others and you discover peace of mind.

- In the NLP Peace Mapping Group you will have the opportunity to network with other students and participate in intelligent discussions.

How Do You Use The NLP Peace Mapping Model?

You listen to what people say and you look at the written word. You take a simple statement like, “The Earth is flat”, and rather than agreeing or disagreeing you have fun examining the statement and mapping it out to gather high quality information. It teaches you not to accept blanket statements given to you by the mainstream media, the experts, the authorities, parents and teachers – but instead to listen with an open mind, gathering information by asking questions and as such delaying judgement – because invariably there is always something more to be learned. The interesting thing is that in using the NLP Peace Mapping Model you will uncover truths and facts that you would never have dreamed of. In this way you can take steps to build a much more harmonious and equitable world.

About the Course

1. No prior knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is required.

2. The course is structured in a procedural manner. You are encourage to work your way through the course one step at a time - making sure that you complete each activity before moving onto the next. This may involve reading a webpage, watching a video or listening to an mp3.

3. You have the freedom to complete the course at a pace that suits you.

4. There is no limit on the number of times that you can view each of the modules - and there is no time limit on your access to the course.

5. The learning materials are provided online and you can type in your notes on the webpage and come back to view them later.

6. The Discussion Group gives you the opportunity to hold conversations with other students such that you can get your questions answered, deepen your understandings and practise your skills.


Rather than arguing with people and telling them what you think, what-if you could ask thought provoking questions that help them to become a better version of themselves?

What-if you could ask questions of people in your community such that you are able to help facilitate positive change and create harmony amongst different groups?

What-if you could create a better world by asking questions rather than demanding that others change – would you be interested?

Enrol In The NLP Peace Mapping Course

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Certification Requirements

1. Post your learnings to the discussion group.
2. Give feedback on the course - that is write a review.
3. Make a post to the discussion group describing how you have applied what you learned in a real world situation.
4. When you are ready to apply for certification you will be asked to make a payment of $49.00 to cover admin costs. An A4 size certificate will be emailed to you as a jpg file which you can proudly print and frame.